D'Arcy Ranch Booking Policies
Book your tee time online or call (403) 938-4455 ext. 107
The following tee time and group golf booking policies are in effect at D'Arcy Ranch Golf Club.
Online Tee Time Policies
- Online tee time booking is available beginning at 7:00a.m. SEVEN days in advance.
- Online tee time booking is available 24 hours per day within the SEVEN day advance booking window.
For the optimal choice of tee times, please use the online booking service.
Telephone Policies
- Telephone booking is available beginning at 7:15a.m. SEVEN days in advance.
- To book by phone, please call (403) 938-4455 ext. 107

Advance Booking Policies (more than 7 days in advance)
For advance bookings, please contact our Events and Tournament Coordinator at (403) 938-5522 ext. 103 or email [email protected]
- The maximum number of players allowed for advance bookings is 16.
- Advance booking cost is $129.00 per person on weekdays and $134.00 per person on weekends. This price includes power cart, warm-up bucket of range balls, and GST.
- Payment for advance bookings is due 8 days in advance of play.